Articles on the Teachings of Sri Ramana

  1. Introduction
  2. Search the blog
  3. List of Articles — arranged under the following headings:
  4. Italian translations of these articles


This page is intended to form the principal link between this website and its extension, a blog named Sri Ramana Teachings, which is a growing archive of articles written by Michael James on the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana.

Search the blog

To search for any particular word or words in the entire blog, including both the articles and the comments, you can use the following search box, which will return all the results in a separate tab:

List of Articles — arranged under the following headings:

In the following list, links to all the main articles in this archive are arranged under different headings, but this arrangement is far from perfect, because many of these articles could well be classified under more than one heading. In particular, the practice of ātma-vicāra — self-investigation, self-scrutiny or ‘self-enquiry’ — is a theme that runs through most of them, but under the heading The practice of ātma-vicāra: self-investigation or self-enquiry I have included only those articles that focus strongly on this central topic.

In addition to being listed here, the articles are indexed clearly in the left margin of every page of the archive, firstly according to date in reverse chronological order under the heading Article Archive, and secondly in greater detail according to subject arranged alphabetically under the heading Index of Topics.

Some of the articles listed below are extracts from Happiness and the Art of Being (HAB), because they are portions that were not in the first PDF edition but were added either in the second PDF edition or in the third PDF edition, which is the same as the first edition of the printed book. I have therefore indicated all such articles by placing in brackets after each of them the initials HAB followed by a link to the chapter in which it appears.

    Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai

  1. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai: pāyiram, kāppu and verse 1 (Thursday, 10 March 2022)
  2. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 2 (Thursday, 31 March 2022)
  3. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 3 (Thursday, 14 April 2022)
  4. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 4 (Sunday, 17 April 2022)
  5. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 5 (Friday, 22 April 2022)
  6. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 6 (Thursday, 28 April 2022)
  7. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 7 (Friday, 17 June 2022)
  8. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 8 (Saturday, 2 July 2022)
  9. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 9 (Thursday, 21 July 2022)
  10. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 10 (Thursday, 4 August 2022)
  11. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 11 (Wednesday, 24 August 2022)
  12. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 12 (Tuesday, 6 September 2022)
  13. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 13 (Friday, 23 September 2022)
  14. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 14 (Friday, 7 October 2022)
  15. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 15 (Thursday, 27 October 2022)
  16. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 16 (Wednesday, 9 November 2022)
  17. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 17 (Friday, 25 November 2022)
  18. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 18 (Wednesday, 7 December 2022)
  19. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 19 (Saturday, 24 December 2022)
  20. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 20 (Friday, 27 January 2023)
  21. Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 21 (Wednesday, 8 February 2023)
  22. Upadēśa Undiyār

  23. Upadēśa Undiyār: Tamil text, transliteration and translation (Friday, 29 September 2017)
  24. Upadēśa Sāraḥ: Sanskrit text, transliteration and translation (with the original Tamil text) (Thursday, 24 March 2022)
  25. An explanation of the first ten verses of Upadēśa Undiyār (Wednesday, 12 October 2016)
  26. Upadēśa Undiyār verse 16: a practical definition of real awareness (Thursday, 28 November 2019)
  27. Upadēśa Undiyār — an explanatory paraphrase (8th June 2009)
  28. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu

  29. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu: Tamil text, transliteration and translation (Friday, 20 October 2017)
  30. Upadēśa Kaliveṇbā: the extended version of Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu (Thursday, 28 December 2017)
  31. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu first maṅgalam verse: what exists is only thought-free awareness, which is called ‘heart’, so being as it is is alone meditating on it (Monday, 1 January 2018)
  32. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 12: other than the real awareness that we actually are, there is nothing to know or make known (Saturday, 28 January 2017)
  33. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu — an explanatory paraphrase (14th June 2009)
  34. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu Anubandham

  35. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu Anubandham (the supplement to Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu): Tamil text, transliteration and translation (Monday, 27 May 2024)
  36. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu Anubandham — an explanatory paraphrase (21st June 2009)
  37. Ēkāṉma Pañcakam

  38. Ēkātma Pañcakam — an explanatory paraphrase (22nd June 2009)
  39. Ēkātma Vivēkam – the kaliveṇbā version of Ēkātma Pañcakam (28th May 2009)
  40. Appaḷa Pāṭṭu

  41. Appaḷa Pāṭṭu (The Appaḷam Song): Tamil text, transliteration, translation and explanation (Thursday, 18 November 2021)
  42. Appaḷa Pāṭṭu – an explanatory paraphrase (23rd June 2009)
  43. Āṉma-Viddai

  44. Āṉma-Viddai: Tamil text, transliteration and translation (Monday, 31 January 2022)
  45. Āṉma-Viddai verse 1: thought is what causes the appearance of the unreal body and world (Tuesday, 8 February 2022)
  46. Āṉma-Viddai verse 2: the thought ‘I am this body’ is what supports all other thoughts (Tuesday, 16 May 2023)
  47. Āṉma-Viddai verse 3: knowledge of all other things is caused by ignorance of ourself (Thursday, 27 July 2023)
  48. Āṉma-Viddai verse 4: self-investigation is the easiest of all paths, because it is not doing but just being (Wednesday, 8 November 2023)
  49. Āṉma-Viddai verse 5: in the heart that looks within without thinking of anything else, oneself will be seen (Thursday, 7 December 2023)
  50. Āṉma-Viddai (Ātma-Vidyā) – an explanatory paraphrase (24th June 2009)
  51. Other original writings of Bhagavan

  52. Śrī Aruṇācala Stuti Pañcakam — English translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James (25th September 2007)
  53. Śrī Aruṇācala Stuti Pañcakam — an overview (4th June 2009)
  54. Śrī Ramaṇōpadēśa Nūṉmālai — English translation by Sri Sadhu Om and Michael James (15th May 2008)
  55. Upadēśa Taṉippākkaḷ – an explanatory paraphrase (26th June 2009)
  56. The second and third paragraphs of Nāṉ Ār? (Monday, 22 March 2021)
  57. Nāṉ Yār? — complete translation now added to Happiness of Being website (1st September 2007)
  58. Bhagavan’s verses on birthday celebrations (Thursday, 31 December 2020)
  59. Dīpāvali Tattva: the reality of Deepavali (Saturday, 14 November 2020)
  60. Sri Ramana’s maṅgalam verse to Vivēkacūḍāmaṇi (9th January 2010)
  61. The practice of ātma-vicāra: self-investigation or self-enquiry

  62. How to know and to be what we actually are (Tuesday 3 September 2024)
  63. The crest-jewel of Sri Ramana’s teachings (20th August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 10)
  64. The essential teachings of Sri Ramana (12th October 2014)
  65. The crucial secret revealed by Sri Ramana: the only means to subdue our mind permanently (29th August 2014)
  66. The fundamental law of experience or consciousness discovered by Sri Ramana (4th January 2015)
  67. We cannot experience ourself as we actually are so long as we experience anything other than ‘I’ (19th October 2014)
  68. To be aware of ourself as we actually are, what we need to investigate is only ourself and not anything else (Thursday, 7 September 2017)
  69. Our aim should be to experience ourself alone, in complete isolation from everything else (28th December 2014)
  70. We can separate ourself permanently from whatever is not ourself only by attending to ourself alone (Tuesday, 17 May 2016)
  71. We should ignore all thoughts or mental activity and attend only to ourself, the fundamental awareness ‘I am’ (Saturday, 29 December 2018)
  72. Is there more than one way in which we can investigate and know ourself? (17th November 2015)
  73. Is there any difference between being self-attentive and sitting down quietly in meditation? (Tuesday, 26 November 2019)
  74. What is ‘the I-feeling’, and do we need to be ‘off the movement of thought’ to be aware of it? (Sunday, 19 June 2016)
  75. To eradicate the mind we must watch only its first thought, the ego (Tuesday, 21 March 2017)
  76. Thought of oneself will destroy all other thoughts (10 December 2015)
  77. Names and forms are all just thoughts, so we can free ourself from them only by investigating their root, our ego (Saturday, 2 July 2016)
  78. Asparśa yōga is the practice of not ‘touching’ or attending to anything other than oneself (Wednesday, 13 July 2016)
  79. If we are able to be steadily self-attentive, where do we go from here? (Sunday, 17 July 2016)
  80. Do we need to do anything at all? (Saturday, 27 May 2017)
  81. What is the ‘self’ we are investigating when we try to be attentively self-aware? (Wednesday, 31 August 2016)
  82. Is it incorrect to say that ātma-vicāra is the only direct means by which we can eradicate our ego? (Sunday, 21 August 2016)
  83. The direct path to direct perception of our real nature (Friday, 16 October 2020)
  84. Why should we try to be aware of ourself alone? (Tuesday, 10 December 2019)
  85. What can be simpler than just being self-attentive? (Thursday, 12 March 2020)
  86. Self-investigation as the way to love (Wednesday, 20 May 2020)
  87. How to deal with whatever feelings may arise while we are investigating ourself? (Thursday, 5 December 2019)
  88. How to practise surrender when faced with a dilemma? (Monday, 26 October 2020)
  89. Self-investigation is the only means by which we can surrender ourself entirely and thereby eradicate ego (Saturday, 21 December 2019)
  90. Can there be any viable substitute for patient and persistent practice of self-investigation and self-surrender? (Friday, 19 April 2019)
  91. Why is it necessary to make effort to practise self-investigation (ātma-vicāra)? (Thursday, 24 March 2016)
  92. Why is effort required for us to go deep in our practice of self-investigation? (Sunday, 16 April 2017)
  93. Self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) entails nothing more than just being persistently and tenaciously self-attentive (Friday, 8 April 2016)
  94. Self-attentiveness and self-awareness (14th March 2015)
  95. Self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) is just the simple practice of trying to be attentively self-aware (19th October 2015)
  96. Why is it necessary to be attentively self-aware, rather than just not aware of anything else? (12th October 2015)
  97. We can practise self-abidance only by being self-attentive (Sunday, 1 November 2020)
  98. Do we need to try to ignore all thoughts, and if so how? (18th April 2015)
  99. How to avoid following or completing any thought whatsoever? (Saturday, 13 May 2017)
  100. Whatever experience may arise, we should investigate to whom it arises (Friday, 23 December 2016)
  101. What is the purpose of questions such as ‘To whom have these thoughts arisen?’? (Thursday, 1 June 2017)
  102. Spontaneously and wordlessly applying the clue: ‘to whom? to me; who am I?’ (5th February 2014)
  103. Can self-investigation boost the mind or kuṇḍalinī or cause sleeplessness and other health issues? (Monday, 17 May 2021)
  104. What are vāsanās and how do they work? (Saturday, 4 December 2021)
  105. Why do viṣaya-vāsanās sprout as thoughts, and how to eradicate them? (Wednesday, 24 January 2018)
  106. How can we weaken and eventually destroy all our viṣaya-vāsanās? (Monday, 16 November 2020)
  107. The non-existence of the ego, body and world in manōlaya is only temporary, whereas in manōnāśa it is permanent (Friday, 7 July 2017)
  108. Why does ego rise again from manōlaya and not from manōnāśa? (Monday, 29 July 2019)
  109. Whether it be called ‘yōga nidrā’ or ‘nirvikalpa samādhi’, any kind of manōlaya is of no spiritual benefit (Friday, 6 January 2017)
  110. Doership, sleep and the practice of self-attentiveness (Tuesday, 27 October 2020)
  111. Freedom, surrender and clinging fast to ‘I am’ (Monday, 12 July 2021)
  112. We abide as ourself only to the extent to which we attend to ourself alone (Thursday, 5 August 2021)
  113. Self-investigation is not a matter of one ‘I’ looking for another ‘I’ (Wednesday, 23 June 2021)
  114. Is it possible for us to attend to ourself, the subject, rather than to any object? (Monday, 7 October 2019)
  115. How to practise self-enquiry (ātma-vicāra)? (Tuesday, 14 May 2019)
  116. How to attend to ourself? (Wednesday, 25 May 2016)
  117. How to attend to ‘I’? (16th May 2014)
  118. What is self-attentiveness? (21st January 2009)
  119. How to be self-attentive even while we are engaged in other activities? (Tuesday, 29 January 2019)
  120. How can we just be? (Tuesday, 31 March 2020)
  121. Learning how to be self-attentive (Thursday, 13 May 2021)
  122. How can we refine and sharpen our power of attention so that we can discern what we actually are? (Thursday, 30 May 2019)
  123. Cultivating uninterrupted self-attentiveness (27th June 2008)
  124. Self-attentiveness, intensity and continuity (31st December 2008)
  125. Intensity, frequency and duration of self-attentiveness (6th March 2015)
  126. Self-attentiveness and time (31st December 2008)
  127. ‘I’ is the centre and source of time and space (17th January 2014)
  128. By discovering what ‘I’ actually is, we will swallow time (25th January 2014)
  129. Just being (summā irukkai) is not an activity but a state of perfect stillness (24th February 2015)
  130. Self-attentiveness is not an action, because we ourself are not two but only one (9th February 2015)
  131. There is only one ‘I’, and investigation will reveal that it is not a finite ego but the infinite self (26th October 2014)
  132. The terms ‘I’ or ‘we’ refer only to ourself, whether we experience ourself as we actually are or as the ego that we now seem to be (4th February 2015)
  133. How to find the source of ‘I’, the ego? (Monday, 11 September 2017)
  134. Attending to our ego is attending to its source, ourself (5 June 2015)
  135. By attending to our ego we are attending to ourself (31 July 2015)
  136. The ego is essentially a formless and hence featureless phantom (28th May 2015)
  137. The term nirviśēṣa or ‘featureless’ denotes an absolute experience but can be comprehended conceptually only in a relative sense (25 June 2015)
  138. What is cidābhāsa, the reflection of self-awareness? (11th August 2015)
  139. When Bhagavan says that we must look within, what does he mean by ‘within’? (Sunday, 7 October 2018)
  140. How to experience the clarity of self-awareness that appears between sleep and waking? (30th November 2014)
  141. Is consciousness a product of the mind? (19th June 2014)
  142. The connection between consciousness and body (18th January 2015)
  143. Self-investigation and body-consciousness (20th February 2015)
  144. What should we believe? (25th July 2014)
  145. Why should we believe that ‘the Self’ is as we believe it to be? (9th November 2014)
  146. Science and self-investigation (23rd December 2014)
  147. Investigating ‘I’ is the most radical scientific research (20th January 2014)
  148. Investigating ourself is the only way to solve all the problems we see in this world (2nd March 2015)
  149. There is no difference between investigating ‘who am I’ and investigating ‘whence am I’ (9th May 2014)
  150. The mind’s role in investigating ‘I’ (25th May 2014)
  151. Since we always experience ‘I’, we do not need to find ‘I’, but only need to experience it as it actually is (31st May 2014)
  152. We ourself are what we are looking for (23rd September 2015)
  153. We must experience what is, not what merely seems to be (8th August 2014)
  154. Trying to distinguish ourself from our ego is what is called self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) (15th August 2015)
  155. Dṛg-dṛśya-vivēka: distinguishing the seer from the seen (20th May 2015)
  156. God is not actually the witness of anything but the real substance underlying and supporting the illusory appearance of the witness and of everything witnessed by it (Thursday, 6 October 2016)
  157. What is meant by the term sākṣi or ‘witness’? (21st April 2015)
  158. What we need to investigate is not the act of witnessing but the witness itself (Wednesday, 11 December 2019)
  159. Witnessing or being aware of anything other than ourself nourishes our ego and thereby reinforces our attachments (28th April 2015)
  160. The observer is the observed only when we observe ourself alone (Monday, 1 August 2016)
  161. ‘Observation without the observer’ and ‘choiceless awareness’: Why the teachings of J. Krishnamurti are diametrically opposed to those of Sri Ramana (11th May 2015)
  162. Trying to see the seer (30th April 2015)
  163. Being attentively self-aware does not entail any subject-object relationship (3rd May 2015)
  164. Does the practice of ātma-vicāra work? (3rd March 2014)
  165. Why is ātma-vicāra necessary? (18 April 2014)
  166. Ātma-vicāra is the only means by which we can experience ourself as we really are (20 March 2014: Interview on Celibacy – Part 2)
  167. Ātma-vicāra and nirvikalpa samādhi (11th April 2014: Interview on Celibacy – Part 5)
  168. Ātma-vicāra: stress and other related issues (2nd May 2014)
  169. Self-investigation, effort and sleep (5th June 2014)
  170. Self-attentiveness, effort and grace (23rd November 2008)
  171. The featurelessness of self-attentiveness (22nd August 2014)
  172. Any experience we can describe is something other than the experience of pure self-attentiveness (3rd April 2015)
  173. Other than ourself, there are no signs or milestones on the path of self-discovery (23rd November 2014)
  174. Can self-enquiry be practised during work? (13th February 2014)
  175. Self-attentiveness and citta-vṛtti nirōdha (16 February 2014)
  176. Prāṇāyāma is just an aid to restrain the mind but will not bring about its annihilation (18 June 2015)
  177. ‘That alone is tapas’: the first teachings that Sri Ramana gave to Kavyakantha Ganapati Sastri (22nd August 2015)
  178. Why did Bhagavan sometimes say the heart is on the right side of the chest? (Monday, 22 June 2020)
  179. What is meditation on the heart? (29th August 2015)
  180. What is the difference between meditation and self-investigation? (14th April 2015)
  181. We should meditate only on ‘I’, not on ideas such as ‘I am brahman (24th February 2014)
  182. Experiencing the pure ‘I’ here and now (25th January 2011)
  183. Can our mind be too strong for our actual self to dissolve it completely? (Wednesday, 8 June 2016)
  184. Why do we not immediately experience ourself as we really are? (25th January 2014)
  185. The aim of self-enquiry is to experience a perfect clarity of self-consciousness (21st January 2007)
  186. By self-attentiveness we can experience our true self-consciousness unadulterated by our mind (2nd March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 3)
  187. Manōnāśa — destruction of mind (7th October 2011)
  188. Self-attentiveness is nirvikalpa — devoid of all differences or variation (27th July 2009)
  189. Svarūpa-dhyāna and svarūpa-darśana (8th July 2009)
  190. ‘Tracing the ego back to its source’ (12th July 2009)
  191. Knowing our source by a ‘sharp intellect’ or kūrnda mati (16th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 10)
  192. How to start practising ātma-vicāra? (16th April 2009)
  193. Making effort to pay attention to our mind is being attentive only to our essential self (6th December 2008)
  194. Our basic thought ‘I’ is the portal through which we can know our real ‘I’ (30th December 2008)
  195. Focusing only on ‘I’ (4th January 2014)
  196. Second and third person objects (10th January 2011)
  197. The need for manana and vivēka: reflection, critical thinking, discrimination and judgement (13th December 2014)
  198. What is unique about the teachings of Sri Ramana? (7th May 2015)
  199. In order to understand the essence of Sri Ramana’s teachings, we need to carefully study his original writings (30th May 2015)
  200. The logic underlying the practice of self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) (31st October 2015)
  201. Self-enquiry: the underlying philosophy can be clearly understood only by putting it into practice (17th June 2008)
  202. The true nature of consciousness can be known only by self-enquiry (20th June 2008)
  203. Self-enquiry, personal experiences and daily routine (12th June 2008)
  204. Is ‘guided meditation’ possible in Bhagavan’s path of self-investigation? (Tuesday, 14 March 2017)
  205. Ātma-vicāra is only the practice of keeping our mind fixed firmly in self (15th August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  206. Ātma-vicāra and the question ‘who am I?’ (16th August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  207. Sri Ramana’s figurative use of simple words (17th August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  208. The question ‘who am I?’ as a verbalised thought (18th August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  209. The practice of self-investigation is our natural state of self-conscious being (19th August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  210. ‘Just sitting’ (shikantaza) and ‘choiceless awareness’ (11th July 2009)
  211. Ātma-vicāra and metta bhāvana (‘loving-kindness’ meditation) (4th July 2009)
  212. Repeating ‘who am I?’ is not self-enquiry (25th January 2007)
  213. Japa of ‘I am’ as an aid to self-attentiveness (29th October 2009)
  214. Staying with ‘I am’ (1st July 2009)
  215. Thinking, free will and self-attentiveness (16th August 2009)
  216. ‘Holy indifference’ and the love to be self-attentive (21st October 2009)
  217. Ātma-vicāra and the ‘practice’ of nēti nēti (20th November 2008)
  218. ‘Awareness watching awareness’ (7th January 2007)
  219. Rather than being aware of being aware, we should be aware only of what is aware, namely ourself (Wednesday, 8 March 2017)
  220. Self-enquiry, self-attention and self-awareness (27th December 2008)
  221. Ātma-vicāra — the practice of ‘looking at’ or ‘seeking’ ourself (14th April 2009)
  222. ‘Putting it all together’ (30th December 2006)
  223. Reading, reflection and practice (9th January 2007)
  224. Exposing the unreality of our ego (13th January 2007)
  225. Self-enquiry and body-awareness (23rd January 2007)
  226. Self-investigation and sexual restraint (15th March 2014: Interview on Celibacy – Part 1)
  227. ‘I am’, ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that’, and ‘I am I’

  228. The Ramaṇa mahāvākya: ‘நான் நான்’ (nāṉ nāṉ) or ‘अहम् अहम्’ (aham aham), ‘I am I’ (Friday, 26 November 2021)
  229. ‘I am’ is the reality, ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that’ is the ego (Sunday, 2 October 2016)
  230. Why does the term ‘I am’ refer not just to our ego but to what we actually are? (Tuesday, 4 October 2016)
  231. Ahaṁ-sphuraṇa: the clear shining of ‘I’

  232. Demystifying the term ‘sphuraṇa (1st July 2014)
  233. Self-awareness: ‘I’-thought, ‘I’-feeling and ahaṁ-sphuraṇa (8th July 2014)
  234. A paradox: sphuraṇa means ‘shining’ or ‘clarity’, yet misinterpretations of it have created so much confusion (12th July 2014)
  235. What is our real ‘I’?

  236. Only ‘I am’ is certain and self-evident (24th January 2014)
  237. Establishing that I am and analysing what I am (15 August 2014)
  238. Self-awareness is the very nature of ‘I’ (1st August 2014)
  239. Though we now seem to be ego, if we look at ourself keenly enough we will see that we are actually just pure awarenes (Monday, 24 February 2020)
  240. What we actually are is just pure self-awareness: awareness that is aware of nothing other than itself (Thursday, 6 July 2017)
  241. As we actually are, we do nothing and are aware of nothing other than ourself (Wednesday, 19 October 2016)
  242. The true import of ‘I am’ (9th January 2007)
  243. The true import of the word ‘I’ (7th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 5)
  244. I think because I am, but I am even when I do not think (8th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 6)
  245. Our real ‘I’ is formless and therefore unlimited (28th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  246. Our body, mind and other adjuncts are not ‘I’ (26th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  247. The unique clarity and simplicity of Sri Ramana’s teachings (26th December 2013)
  248. The nature of ego and its five sheaths

  249. I certainly exist, but I am not necessarily what I seem to be (Sunday, 26 February 2017)
  250. The ego is a spurious entity, but an entity nonetheless, until we investigate it keenly enough to see that it does not actually exist (Thursday, 24 August 2017)
  251. The ego does not actually exist, but it seems to exist, and only so long as it seems to exist do all other things seem to exist (Wednesday, 18 April 2018)
  252. The ego seems to exist only because we have not looked at it carefully enough to see that there is no such thing (Monday, 30 April 2018)
  253. To curb our rising as ego, all we need do is watch ourself vigilantly (Friday, 7 February 2020)
  254. Ego seems to exist only when we look elsewhere, away from ourself (Friday, 8 November 2019)
  255. The ego is the thinker, not the act of thinking (Sunday, 8 May 2016)
  256. What creates all thoughts is only the ego, which is the root and essence of the mind (Monday, 18 September 2017)
  257. Thoughts and dreams appear only in the self-ignorant view of ourself as ego, not in the clear view of ourself as we actually are (Friday, 15 February 2019)
  258. What is deluded is not our real nature but only ego (Wednesday, 30 January 2019)
  259. The ego is the sole cause, creator, source, substance and foundation of all other things (Sunday, 13 May 2018)
  260. Everything depends for its seeming existence on the seeming existence of ourself as ego (Thursday, 8 November 2018)
  261. The return of the prodigal son (Tuesday, 8 September 2020)
  262. In a dream there is only one dreamer, and if the one dreamer wakes up the entire dream will come to an end (Saturday, 2 February 2019)
  263. The nature of ego and its viṣaya-vāsanās and how to eradicate them (Tuesday, 29 June 2021)
  264. How is ego to be destroyed? (Saturday, 19 September 2020)
  265. There is only one ego, and even that does not actually exist (Wednesday, 8 March 2017)
  266. After the annihilation of the ego, no ‘I’ can rise to say ‘I have seen’ (Friday, 24 March 2017)
  267. Can we as ego ever experience pure awareness? (Friday, 25 October 2019)
  268. What is the difference between God and the ego? (Sunday, 19 February 2017)
  269. What is the difference between pure awareness and the ego, and how are they related? (Saturday, 18 February 2017)
  270. What is the relationship between the ‘I-thought’ and awareness? (Wednesday, 20 February 2019)
  271. In what sense is ego actually just pure awareness? (Thursday, 18 February 2021)
  272. The dreamer is ourself as ego, not whatever person we seem to be in a dream (Wednesday, 15 April 2020)
  273. Why do we need to distinguish ourself as ego from whatever person we seem to be? (Sunday, 15 December 2019)
  274. The person we seem to be is a form composed of five sheaths (Thursday, 5 May 2016)
  275. To know what we actually are, we need to cease being interested in any person (Thursday, 23 January 2020)
  276. Our three states of consciousness: waking, dream and sleep

  277. We can be self-attentive in waking and dream but not in sleep (Tuesday, 2 June 2020)
  278. We are aware of ourself while asleep, so pure self-awareness alone is what we actually are (Wednesday, 16 March 2016)
  279. Sleep is our natural state of pure self-awareness (11th November 2015)
  280. There is absolutely no difference between sleep and pure self-awareness (ātma-jñāna) (Wednesday, 28 June 2017)
  281. What is aware of the absence of the ego and mind in sleep? (Tuesday, 25 July 2017)
  282. What happens to our mind in sleep? (3rd November 2015)
  283. What do we actually experience in sleep? (12th June 2014)
  284. Though we are not aware of any phenomena in sleep, we are aware of our own existence, ‘I am’ (Thursday, 28 May 2020)
  285. What exists and shines in sleep is nothing other than pure awareness (Wednesday, 17 June 2020)
  286. How do we remember being asleep? (Sunday, 21 June 2020)
  287. Our memory of ‘I’ in sleep (2nd November 2014)
  288. In what sense and to what extent do we remember what we were aware of in sleep? (Tuesday, 11 June 2019)
  289. Why do we not experience the existence of any body or world in sleep? (15th June 2014)
  290. The consciousness that we experience in sleep (18th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  291. The ‘unconsciousness’ that we seem to experience in sleep (19th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 6)
  292. Our imaginary sleep of self-forgetfulness or self-ignorance (6th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  293. Are there three states, two states or only one state? (Sunday, 1 December 2019)
  294. Our waking life is just another dream (14th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  295. Is there any real difference between waking and dream? (25th March 2015)
  296. All phenomena are just a dream, and the only way to wake up is to investigate who is dreaming (31st March 2015)
  297. Why should we believe that dream is anything other than a fabrication of our dreaming mind? (Wednesday, 7 June 2017)
  298. Only the absolute clarity of true self-knowledge will put an end to all our dreams (17th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  299. Our self-consciousness is the absolute reality (18th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  300. The state of true self-knowledge

  301. Is it possible for us to have a ‘glimpse of Self’? (Saturday, 30 January 2021)
  302. Is it possible to have a ‘direct but temporary experience of the self’ or to watch the disappearance of the I-thought? (Friday, 22 March 2019)
  303. Any experience that is temporary is not manōnāśa and hence not ‘self-realisation’ (Thursday, 27 July 2017)
  304. Self-knowledge is not a void (śūnya) (22nd September 2015)
  305. The jñāni is only pure awareness (prajñāna) and not whatever person it may seem to be (Tuesday, 27 December 2016)
  306. Why does Bhagavan sometimes say that the ātma-jñāni is aware of the body and world? (Wednesday, 23 November 2016)
  307. Pure self-awareness is not nothingness but the only thing that actually exists (Thursday, 13 July 2017)
  308. Self-consciousness alone is true knowledge (10th January 2007)
  309. The transcendent state of true self-knowledge is the only real state (10th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 6)
  310. What is enlightenment, liberation or nirvāṇa? (19th July 2014)
  311. Who has attained ‘self-realisation’? (30th December 2006)
  312. Is there any such thing as a ‘self-realised’ person? (20th November 2014)
  313. Whatever jñāna we believe we see in anyone else is false (Sunday, 31 March 2019)
  314. The philosophy of Bhagavan’s teachings

  315. In what sense does Bhagavan generally use the terms பொருள் (poruḷ) and வஸ்து (vastu)? (Thursday, 4 January 2018)
  316. Could what exists ever not exist? (Wednesday, 12 May 2021)
  317. Our existence is self-evident, because we shine by our own light of pure self-awareness (Wednesday, 28 February 2018)
  318. Though we appear in two distinct modes, we are just one awareness (Monday, 9 March 2020)
  319. Which comes first: ego or self-negligence (pramāda)? (Tuesday, 30 July 2019)
  320. Why or how we have risen as ego is inexplicable, but Bhagavan does explain why and how we can cease rising (Monday, 20 January 2020)
  321. What does Bhagavan mean by the term ‘mind’? (Thursday, 16 January 2020)
  322. If we investigate the ego closely enough we will see that it is only brahman, but however closely we investigate the world we can never thereby see that it is brahman (Saturday, 10 March 2018)
  323. How can there be any experience without something that is experiencing it? (Friday, 28 June 2019)
  324. How can we be sure that we can wake up from this dream of our present life? (Monday, 24 June 2019)
  325. If this world is just a dream, why should we justify to others that it is so? (Wednesday, 11 November 2020)
  326. What is the correct meaning of ‘Be in the now’? (Tuesday, 12 February 2019)
  327. In what sense is it true to say ‘everything is one’? (Tuesday, 2 February 2021)
  328. God, guru, grace, devotion and sat-saṅga

  329. Can we experience what we actually are by following the path of devotion (bhakti mārga)? (18 July 2015)
  330. Is any external help required for us to succeed in the practice of self-investigation? (Saturday, 24 August 2019)
  331. The role of grace in all that ego creates (Monday, 5 August 2019)
  332. The truth of Arunachala and of ‘seeing the light’ (deepa-darśana) (11th December 2008)
  333. What is ‘remembering the Lord’ or ‘remembrance of Arunachala’? (Sunday, 19 March 2017)
  334. How to merge in Arunachala like a river in the ocean? (Monday, 18 November 2019)
  335. We should not be concerned with anything happening outside but only with what is happening inside (Sunday, 24 September 2017)
  336. God as both nirguṇa brahman and saguṇa brahman (29th May 2008)
  337. Experiencing God as he really is (5th June 2008)
  338. God as pūrṇa — the one infinite whole (7th July 2008)
  339. God as pāramārthika satya — the absolute reality (17th July 2008)
  340. Dhyāna-p-Paṭṭu: The Song on Meditation (30th December 2013)
  341. Repetition of Bhagavan’s name (11th June 2007)
  342. ‘I am’ is the most appropriate name of God (6th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 5)
  343. Contemplating ‘I’, which is the original name of God (2nd March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 4)
  344. Our real self can reveal itself only through silence (29th July 2007: extract from HAB chapter 5)
  345. Where to find and how to reach the real presence of our guru? (15th June 2008)
  346. What is the real ‘living guru’, and what is the look of its grace? (Sunday, 5 March 2017)
  347. We should seek guru only within ourself (12th August 2010)
  348. Is a ‘human guru’ really necessary? (6th January 2007)
  349. Which spiritual teachings are truly credible? (7th January 2007)
  350. Where can we find the clarity of true self-knowledge? (12th January 2007)
  351. Let us not be distracted from following the real teachings of Sri Ramana (14th January 2007)
  352. Which sat-saṅga will free us from our ego? (9th June 2008)
  353. ‘Giving satsaṅga (13th January 2007)
  354. Action or karma cannot give liberation

  355. The karma theory as taught by Sri Ramana (5th September 2014)
  356. Why did Sri Ramana teach a karma theory? (12th September 2014)
  357. How is karma destroyed only by self-investigation? (31st May 2015)
  358. If everything is predestined, how can the law of karma be true? (Friday, 18 December 2020)
  359. Concern about fate and free will arises only when our mind is turned away from ourself (Tuesday, 20 June 2017)
  360. Actions or karmas are like seeds (27th July 2007: extract from HAB chapter 4)
  361. How to avoid doing āgāmya and experiencing prārabdha? (19th September 2014)
  362. How to avoid creating fresh karma (āgāmya)? (21st January 2011)
  363. How can we see inaction in action? (Monday, 6 February 2017)
  364. Can sexual energy really be liberated? (12th January 2007)
  365. Purification of mind

  366. Like everything else, karma is created solely by ego’s misuse of its will (cittam), so what needs to be rectified is its will (Saturday, 1 September 2018)
  367. Why is self-investigation the only means to eradicate ego but not the only means to achieve citta-śuddhi? (Saturday, 22 December 2018)
  368. Must we purify our mind by other means before we can practise ātma-vicāra?> (Tuesday, 25 September 2018)
  369. Praising or disparaging others is anātma-vicāra (Monday, 24 August 2020)
  370. If we choose to do any harmful actions, should we consider them to be done according to destiny (prārabdha)? (Tuesday, 5 September 2017)
  371. Compassion and ahiṁsā

  372. The supreme compassion of Sri Ramana (21st August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 10)
  373. The importance of compassion and ahiṁsā (22nd August 2007: extract from HAB chapter 10)
  374. Why are compassion and ahiṁsā necessary in a dream? (11th January 2015)
  375. Ahiṁsā and sexual morality (4th April 2014: Interview on Celibacy – Part 4)
  376. Death and immortality

  377. Overcoming our spiritual complacency (14th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  378. The fear of death is inherent in our love for our own being (18th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  379. Taking refuge at the ‘feet’ of God (15th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  380. The state of true immortality (16th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 9)
  381. Experiencing our natural state of true immortality (22 June 2008)
  382. Non-duality or advaita

  383. There are many interpretations of advaita, but Bhagavan’s teachings are the simplest, clearest and deepest (Sunday, 2 February 2020)
  384. Non-duality is the truth even when duality appears to exist (4th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 5)
  385. Is there really any difference between the advaita taught by Sri Ramana and that taught by Sri Adi Sankara? (27th December 2006)
  386. What is advaita? (28th December 2006)
  387. Advaita sādhana — non-dualistic spiritual practice (27th November 2008)
  388. No differences exist in the non-dual view of Sri Ramana (28th March 2014: Interview on Celibacy – Part 3)
  389. The appearance of duality

  390. Is anything other than ourself intrinsically existent? (Sunday, 29 August 2021)
  391. Does anything exist independent of our perception of it? (Tuesday, 2 May 2017)
  392. When the ego seems to exist, other things seem to exist, and when it does not seem to exist, nothing else seems to exist (Sunday, 27 November 2016)
  393. What is aware of everything other than ourself is only the ego and not ourself as we actually are (Sunday, 15 January 2017)
  394. Which is a more reasonable and useful explanation: dṛṣṭi-sṛṣṭi-vāda or sṛṣṭi-dṛṣṭi-vāda? (Sunday, 30 December 2018)
  395. Metaphysical solipsism, idealism and creation theories in the teachings of Sri Ramana (26th September 2014)
  396. Other people seem to be real because we seem to be a person (Tuesday, 7 September 2021)
  397. The perceiver and the perceived are both unreal (28th September 2014)
  398. Like Bhagavan, Sankara taught that objects are perceived only through ignorance and hence by the mind and not by ourself as we actually are (Sunday, 22 January 2017)
  399. The ultimate truth is ajāta, but because we seem to have risen as ego and consequently perceive a world, Bhagavan, Gaudapada and Sankara teach us primarily from the perspective of vivarta vāda (Wednesday, 8 May 2019)
  400. What is the correct meaning of ajāta vāda? (Monday, 21 November 2016)
  401. The difference between vivarta vāda and ajāta vāda is not just semantic but substantive (Tuesday, 25 October 2016)
  402. We can believe vivarta vāda directly but not ajāta vāda (5th October 2014)
  403. Is it possible for us to see anything other than ourself as ‘the Self’? (Wednesday, 14 December 2016)
  404. How we can confidently dismiss the conclusions of materialist metaphysics (6th April 2015)
  405. Māyā is nothing but our own mind, so it seems to exist only when we seem to be this mind (Tuesday, 27 June 2017)
  406. Everything is only our own consciousness (1st March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 3)
  407. Everything is just an expansion of our own mind or ego (5th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 5)
  408. Objective knowledge will disappear along with our mind when we know ourself as we really are (4th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 5)
  409. The foundation of all our thoughts is our primal imagination that we are a body (27th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 3)
  410. The cognition of duality (13th January 2007)
  411. The truth that underlies cognition (15th January 2007)
  412. Are we in this world, or is this world in us? (14th February 2007: extract from HAB chapter 2)
  413. Does the world exist independent of our experience of it? (19th December 2014)
  414. Why is it necessary to consider the world unreal? (15th February 2015)
  415. The world is a creation of our imagination (23rd May 2008)
  416. When can there be total recognition that the world is unreal? (Wednesday, 22 June 2016)
  417. When this world is nothing but an illusion, why do we run after it? (Friday, 6 January 2017)
  418. Why to write about self? (17th April 2009)
  419. The role of reason in understanding and applying Bhagavan's teachings

  420. Why do I believe that ātma-vicāra is the only direct means by which we can eradicate the illusion that we are this ego? (Wednesday, 6 January 2016)
  421. Why should we believe what Bhagavan taught us? (Monday, 8 February 2016)
  422. The role of logic in developing a clear, coherent and uncomplicated understanding of Bhagavan’s teachings (Sunday, 28 February 2016)
  423. What is the logic for believing that happiness is what we actually are? (Tuesday, 31 May 2016)
  424. Why should we rely on Bhagavan to carry all our burdens, both material and spiritual? (Monday, 6 June 2016)
  425. Why is it so necessary for us to accept without reservation the fundamental principles of Bhagavan’s teachings? (Saturday, 13 August 2016)
  426. The science of consciousness

  427. To understand consciousness can we rely upon the observations and theories of neuroscience? (Thursday, 31 January 2019)
  428. Scientific research on consciousness (25th April 2014)
  429. The true science of consciousness and dṛg-dṛśya-vivēka (12th March 2007: extract from HAB chapter 8)
  430. Consciousness and time (31st December 2006)
  431. Is there any such thing as ‘biological awareness’? (Wednesday, 24 July 2019)
  432. Books about Bhagavan’s teachings

  433. Guru Vācaka Kōvai — e-book (5th September 2007)
  434. Guru Vācaka Kōvai — a new translation by TV Venkatasubramanian, Robert Butler and David Godman (12th November 2008)
  435. Guru Vācaka Kōvai verse 579 and Anubhūti Veṇbā verse 610 (19th November 2008)
  436. Sādhanai Sāram — The Essence of Spiritual Practice (sādhana) (27th June 2009)
  437. The Path of Sri Ramana - Part One e-book copy now available (23rd November 2007)
  438. New enlarged e-book edition of Happiness and the Art of Being [regarding the second PDF edition] (21st March 2007)
  439. Third e-book edition of Happiness and the Art of Being (23rd August 2007)
  440. Happiness and the Art of Being — additions to chapter 2 (27th July 2007: extracts from HAB chapter 2)
  441. The Nature of Reality — additions to chapter 4 of Happiness and the Art of Being (3rd March 2007: extracts from HAB chapter 4)
  442. Happiness and the Art of Being — additions to chapter 5 (28th July 2007: extracts from HAB chapter 5)
  443. What is True Knowledge? — additions to chapter 5 of Happiness and the Art of Being (7th March 2007: extracts from HAB chapter 5)
  444. Happiness and the Art of Being — additions to chapter 7 (30th July 2007: extracts from HAB chapter 7)
  445. Introduction to The Truth of Otherness (22nd May 2008)

Italian translations of these articles

Carlo Barbera has translated many of these articles into Italian and posted them on his blog, La Caverna del Cuore, and a list of all the ones he has translated up to October 2015 is given on the Italian Articles page.